Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Lions Vs Southern Kings -What I Think

I think you will find I said "This could go wrong for the Lions". Well I was kind of right it was a crap game. The first half I felt like I prefer to watch paint dry. There where no death in attack and the pace of the game was slow, was this because no one wonted to be over dune for the test? People like Monye and Fitz had slow game but Monye probably has got that test shirt now. Earls was better he look good running before he bugged up, so at least he is doing some right before he messes up. I can not help if any of the other players who where playing fallback we would be tow more trys up.
The boys in the Mid filed where boring and flat. Hook got a bad knock and O'Gara came on and played OK. I don't know why but he seems to be playing in a different style and I would like to see him play like he dues for Ireland and Munster even it boring he is danders instead of trying to be Cipiarni.
Worsley and Powell the Barbarian did what they do and hang out in the mid Field and Waite for the ball. Hines had a great game he got stuck in and was keen infarct the other second rows Shaw D O'Callaghan also played well but at times you could tell we had three second row on the pitch. Could this mean that Hines will be on the test bench as a back row cover and second row?
Our Front three today where great Murray came of early and I just hope he is OK. Sheridan R Ford and Jones; who came on for Murry. Where great I think Geech will be asking him self do I do for the power of Sheridan or do you go for the open play of Jenkins?
The D was good again I think Edwards is doing a outstanding job. So could be said for the kicking. I don't know if they went slow and uncreative because they are tired or that they are just saving them self. I hope the latter. I think I can say it again but Job Done!

6 Bok down 4 to go. It the big 4 next come on BOYOS!!!

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